Mt. Zion Baptist Church
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Homecoming 2005

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Boone - Ison Wedding

Youth Group

Ocoee Whitewater Trip

Youth Paintball

Welcome to Mt.Zion   

Let me extend a personal welcome to everyone who has come to the Mt. Zion Web Site. We appreciate you taking an interest in our church family.

I hope that both members and visitors alike will enjoy seeing what is happening in the church.

Pastor Steve Powell

Come on Out, to Beautiful Tillers Crossroads

Pastor: Steve Powell

Associate Pastor/Youth Director: Johnny Langley

Assistant Youth Director: Linda Langley

Choir Director: Vickie Sanders

Mt. Zion Baptist Church is a member of the East Liberty Association of the Southern Baptist Convention.

The church was established in 1841 at Tillers Crossroads.

Our mailing address is 1258 County Rd 119, Camp Hill, AL 36850

Our telephone number is (334) 864-7771

You can e-mail Pastor Steve Powell at

All visitors are very welcome. You wont sit on somebody's favorite pew and we wont high-pressure you in any way. We just want you to feel at home and to give us an opportunity to tell you about our wonderful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Mt.Zion is located in a serene country setting approximately thirteen miles outside of LaFayette, Alabama. Coming from LaFayette on Hwy 77, turn left on County Rd 62 and continue straight for ten miles. The last half mile will be County Rd 119. The church and parsonage will be on the right.

You can contact the church at (334) 864-7771.

Pastor Steve Powell can be reached at (334) 864-7772 (home) or (334) 744-4637 (cell) If no one is at home, please leave a message.

Read Tillers Crossroads

Tillers Crossroads is a weekly column of The LaFayette Sun written by Pastor Steve Powell. It contains items of interest to Mt.Zion members as well as personal commentary on a variety of subjects.

Are You Looking for a True New Testament Church?

Mt. Zion may be the  kind of place you are searching for. No church is perfect because it is made up of imperfect people like you and me. But we do strive to be the kind of church that Jesus has called us to be. We want to love our neighbor as ourselves, to reach out to those that need a hand of love and friendship, and to stay true to the holy Word of God. We unflinchingly declare that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. We, without hesitation, declare the Bible as God's perfect Word. We believe that we can keep these doctrines and still reflect the kindness, compassion and love of our Savior. If this is the kind of church that you are searching for, come out to Tillers Crossroads and join your life with ours.

Service Schedule

Sunday School ...10:00 A.M.

Sunday Morning Worship...11:00 A.M.

Sunday Discipleship Training...5:30 P.M.

Sunday Evening Service...6:30 P.M.

Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study...6:30 P.M.




Jesus Loves Children

And so do we at Mt. Zion. Our Sunday School teachers and youth workers teach our kids about the love of Christ and the truth of the Bible. Jesus said that we have to have faith like children to be saved. A knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, taught by people who care, will give your child the solid foundation needed to make the right choices in life. We believe every child should be brought up in  the nurture and admonition of the Lord.